Monday, March 2, 2009

Birth regulations in Australia

In Homebirths May Have to Be Secret, the possible effects of proposed laws about practicing midwifery are discussed. My understanding (and I may be totally wrong) is that medicine in Australia loosely resembles the UK's socialized system. The proposed changes to midwives include requiring them to carry "professional indemnity" insurance. Is that the same as "liability" or "malpractice?" The thing is, no insurance carrier is prepared to offer such insurance to midwives, making them ineligible to practice legally.

Many people, including parents, midwives and some obstetricians, are calling for change that would leave homebirth legal, if not improve the situation.

The way it stands now, midwives are legal, but don't get reimbursement for their services, so parents pay out of pocket, whereas hospital birth is covered by the government insurance.

One mother, who is pregnant and planning a homebirth, put it this way: "It's ridiculous to effectively make homebirth illegal, when other countries like Britain have publicly funded homebirth programs," Ms McLean said.

Indeed it is.

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