Saturday, May 16, 2009

Babywearing class

This Tuesday, May 19th: Babywearing

Beate Frome of Children's Needs will talk about the benefits to the family when babies and small children are carried by their mother/ parents. Bring your baby or a doll. Different styles of wraps, for trying out a variety of holds, will be used. You are welcome to bring your favorite way to carry your baby and show us, too!

coming up next:

May 26th: Waterbirth

Watch the film "Birth Into Being" and witness incredible footage of waterbirths in Russia. This is a beautiful, eye-opening film made available by Waterbirth International.

For location or more information, email Jennetta at wise [dot] childbearing {at} gmail [dot]com

Friday, May 8, 2009

Tension between doctors and homebirth midwives

This isn't news to anyone, but when a planned homebirth turns into a hospital transfer, there can be tension, if not conflict, between the midwife (passing over her client) and the doctor (taking the client on).

What's interesting about this article is how frankly and objectively it is being addressed in a community in Oregon.

What started out as a research project about higher than expected prematurity and low birth weight rates revealed a "deep mistrust" between doctors and midwives. The Oregon State researcher, who also happens to be a practicing midwife, has found a local obstetrician willing to work with her to draft guidelines for midwives and doctors who find themselves suddenly working together.

The main purpose is, of course, not a perfect medical world where doctors are respectful of all homebirth practitioners, but a world where *some* are willing to work together, so there is data to support the fact that homebirth is safe, and that smooth hospital transfers are crucial.

Good for them, I say.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


I know, it's been a while. Sorry about the impromptu vacation. How you been?

Just a few points of interest.

I read this great commentary about how everyone's got an opinion on birth and breastfeeding, and wouldn't it be nice if people just let women make their own choices, even if you disagree with them? Summed up by this:

"...Wherever you look, whether it's on the internet or in the mainstream media, everyone's got an opinion on what's probably one of the most personal decisions a woman, and her partner if she's got one, are ever likely to have to make.

"Giving birth hurts, and women should be free to decide how they're going to deal with that, just as they should also be free to decide whether they want to breastfeed or not, and if they do, whether they want to do that discreetly or in the middle of Starbucks with their breasts exposed to all and sundry and with an accompanying photoblog on Facebook."

Secondly, here's a tv commercial for mattresses from Spain that features a homebirth. Not kidding! Found via Birth Activist, via google news feed.

Thirdly, for those of you who follow Rixa's blog, she had her baby today! Congratulations!!

Talk to you soon(er than the last time I posted...)

Friday, March 27, 2009

Helping A Mother With Postpartum Depression

Wise words from wonderful French doctor Micheal Odent posted by Sally on Mar 17th!

Not all mothers will have Postpartum Depression but it is much more common than we might think. Here are some things partners and others can do to help if a new mother is experiencing PPD.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Gentle C-section

I thought this Q&A by Michel Odent at might be of interest.

Q: We now find ourselves preparing for a cesarean birth. We are wondering what things would be helpful to keep in mind/plan for/request in order to have the gentlest birth possible considering the circumstances.

The best way to deviate as little as possible from the physiological model of birth would be that the medical team is comfortable with the principle of an elective in-labor cesarean. In other words, the medical team would accept to wait until the day when you are in labor to perform an "in-labor non-emergency cesarean." This way it is a guarantee that the baby will have given a signal indicating that his or her lungs are mature. We know today that the baby participates in the initiation of labor. Furthermore, during labor contractions, the baby is exposed to hormones that make more complete the maturation of his or her lungs. This is why, as all pediatricians know, there is an increased risk of respiratory problems during the days following a cesarean performed before labor starts. And—we never know—if you have the possibility to be in labor with nobody around but an experienced, low-profile, and silent midwife, the birth might go faster than what you can imagine. Many women who gave birth by cesarean to their first baby because the pelvis was much too small give birth easily by the vaginal route to their second baby—if they are in a situation of absolute privacy.


Monday, March 2, 2009

Emotional healing

One of our readers has decided to share her birth healing journey online at Emotional Healing from Cesarean. Go visit Kara's blog and share your thoughts! Everyone could use a little birth healing, I think, and we can all cheer each other on.

As I type this, I realize that most of my posts for AWC involve homebirth, but that is not our main purpose. AWC, I believe, wants parents to understand their options, and their inherent capability to birth babies, and make their own decisions. It just so happens that the politics surrounding homebirth make interesting reading to me, a study in how government and private policy work and how we can be involved in that process. I'll try to branch out, I promise!

Birth regulations in Australia

In Homebirths May Have to Be Secret, the possible effects of proposed laws about practicing midwifery are discussed. My understanding (and I may be totally wrong) is that medicine in Australia loosely resembles the UK's socialized system. The proposed changes to midwives include requiring them to carry "professional indemnity" insurance. Is that the same as "liability" or "malpractice?" The thing is, no insurance carrier is prepared to offer such insurance to midwives, making them ineligible to practice legally.

Many people, including parents, midwives and some obstetricians, are calling for change that would leave homebirth legal, if not improve the situation.

The way it stands now, midwives are legal, but don't get reimbursement for their services, so parents pay out of pocket, whereas hospital birth is covered by the government insurance.

One mother, who is pregnant and planning a homebirth, put it this way: "It's ridiculous to effectively make homebirth illegal, when other countries like Britain have publicly funded homebirth programs," Ms McLean said.

Indeed it is.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Talk about VBAC

I've been AWOL for a while, sorry! But all this talk about VBAC got my attention. Have you heard about the Time magazine article on repeat cesareans? The author, Pamela Paul, posted an essay on the Huffington Post the day after her Time article was published, to tell us some of the back story. They are both great discussions of the difficulty finding a doctor and hospital that will genuinely support a mother's choice for VBAC. Go, read them!

Also of interest is the ICAN hospital survey. Volunteers called virtually every hospital in the US to find out which ones allow VBACs, which ones ban them, and which ones say they allow, but no doctors will attend them ("de facto ban"). Logan Regional Hospital is listed as having a de facto ban, but there are at least 6 hospitals along the Wasatch front that allow VBACs.

I found of particular interest one of the comments left at the Huffington Post story, calling the right to VBAC a civil rights issue. Interesting point of view. Is it really about safety or money or are those handy excuses to deny a human right?

Thanks to Rixa for keeping current on all these things!


Monday, February 16, 2009

The "Authorities" Resolve Against Home Birth

The ‘‘Authorities’’ Resolve Against Home Birth

Nancy K. Lowe

This editorial has been gathering momentum in
my mind since I heard about a resolution introduced
by the American College of Obstetricians
and Gynecologists (ACOG) to the House of Delegates
of the American Medical Association’s (AMA)
annual meeting in June 2008. American College of
Obstetricians and Gynecologists’s resolution #205
was adopted by the AMA and is titled ‘‘Home
Deliveries.’’ So that I cannot be accused of misquoting
the AMA or ACOG, you will ¢nd the text
of the adopted resolution at the end of this editorial.
In his ‘‘College News’’ column of ACOGToday (September
2008), ACOG Executive Vice President
Ralph W. Hale reported on his attendance at the
AMA Annual Meeting and wrote, ‘‘Also, there
was model legislation related to home deliveries
supporting the ACOG position against home
births.’’ The point of this resolution is to lobby
against home birth as an option for women and
against providers of home birth services. This type
of resolution by ‘‘authoritative’’ bodies such as
ACOG and AMA will certainly in£uence decisions
made by third-party payers when women request
home birth services and by liability insurance carriers
when providers seek coverage for home birth
Rumor has it, as stated in the Los Angeles Times
on July 9, 2008, that in the original ACOG
resolution, there was another ‘‘whereas’’ that was
deleted before adoption. It read, ‘‘Whereas, there
has been much attention in the media by celebrities
having home deliveries, with recent ‘Today
Show’ headings such as ‘Ricki Lake takes on baby
birthing industry.’’’ You may not be aware that in
2007 producer Ricki Lake and director Abby Epstein
released a documentary ¢lmThe Business of Being
Born. The ¢lm asked the question ‘‘Should most
births be viewed as a natural life process, or should
every delivery be treated as a potentially catastrophic
medical emergency?’’ If you have not seen
this ¢lm, I encourage you to do so and to view it with
an openmind, an open intellect, and an open heart.
The DVD can be purchased for a modest price at
Evidently, ACOG felt it necessary to highlight
Ms. Lake’s coverage of this issue as a potential
threat to the safety of mothers and babies. It is
beyond the scope of an editorial to review the international
and national data about maternal
and infant outcomes and the relationship of these
outcomes to location of birth. However, one instructive
example is a prospective cohort study
of maternal and infant outcomes in British Columbia
during the ¢rst 2 years after women were
given the choice to plan a home birth with regulated
midwives (Janssen et al., 2002). After controlling
for appropriate confounding variables, the data
showed no increased maternal or neonatal risk
for the 862 planned home births compared
with 1,314 planned hospital births.The overall transfer
rate to hospital care was 21.7% in the home
birth group with 16.5% transferred during labor.
The multivariate analysis showed that the
women who planned to have home births were
signi¢cantly less likely to undergo induced or
augmented labor, epidural analgesia, episiotomy,
or cesarean delivery.
I was born in the United States and I am very proud
to be an American, but I am embarrassed that our
country founded on the ideals of individual liberty
and freedom, can also support ‘‘authoritative’’ initiatives
such as these by the ACOG and AMA,
initiatives that are founded on neither science nor
an understanding of the physiologic and psychosocial
needs of mothers and babies. What is most
risky about home birth in the United States is that
for most women who desire it there is a scarcity of
quali¢ed providers of home birth services. There is
no system of care that provides the needed
safety net if transfer to a di¡erent type of care is required
during labor. Rather, women who desire to
birth at home sometimes chose providers unwisely,
and those who require transfer are often treated
with disdain and disregard as though their decision
to give birth outside the hospital system is irresponsible,
reckless, and perhaps immoral. There is
nothing more inhumane or uninformed than this attitude
toward women who desire to birth at home

JOGNN E D I T O R I A L & 2009 AWHONN, the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses 1
and the quali¢ed providers who are willing to attend
When will we remember that pregnancy, childbirth,
and lactation are normal healthy physiological processes
that are a continuum and do not require
medical intervention unless there is a medical problem?
A woman’s body and the physiology of
pregnancy, labor, birth, and lactation are designed
to promote the well-being of the fetus and newborn.
When will we establish optimal outcomes as the
goal of health care during the childbearing cycle,
rather than attempting to reduce by small increments
the incidence of morbidity and mortality that
is compounded by the very interventions we use to
attempt to avoid such problems? We all know that
in our current health care milieu for childbearing
women, the protection of normal is not valued or
supported, except in a very few locales. Those who
support normalcy are usually swimming upstream
against a system that treats every laboring woman
as a surgical case. The idea that a normal spontaneous
birth is by design the best outcome for a
healthy woman and her infant is neither believed
nor entertained as a basic concept. Most U.S.-
trained physicians and sadly most U.S.-trained
nurses have minimal experience with normal labor
and birth.Without fetal monitors, intravenous lines,
infusion pumps, epidurals, pitocin, endless charting,
and rules theses individuals are helpless and
unskilled to provide the kind of informed human
support and wise guidance that a laboring woman
needs while the normal process of labor and birth
In fact, knowledgeable women often must ¢ght to
defend the normalcy of the process and their desire
to labor and birth spontaneously without medical
technology or intervention. In many ways it is reminiscent
of the 1960s when many of us who were
young women at the time fought for our right to natural
childbirth without general anesthesia and to
have our husbands accompany us into the delivery
room. Breastfeeding was not the norm and was not
supported by hospital care. During my 5-day postpartum
stay after a vaginal delivery in 1969, I had to
repeatedly insist that my newborn son be brought
to me during the night for breastfeeding because
as I was told by the nurses, ‘‘Dr. X’s patients are to
sleep at night.’’ How audacious authority can be.
Amazingly, a few years later a headline in the science
section of the Chicago Tribune declared,
‘‘Science ¢nds Breast is Best.’’ Since that time the
accumulation of scienti¢c evidence has overwhelmingly
validated that physiologically obvious
statement, and the system, including its ‘‘authorities,’’
¢nally caught up to actively support
breastfeeding.Will it take a similar declaration: ‘‘Science
¢nds spontaneous labor and normal vaginal
birth is best’’ to change the course that we are currently
on and to change the rhetoric of the
Why do 1% to 2% of U.S. women even want
to birth at home? For most it is simply because
they sincerely believe that the process is normal
and healthy and does not require the environment
of an ‘‘illness’’ system to support it. For these
women, birth has a unique, earthy, and frequently
spiritual component that they want to experience
fully under their own terms. They want to
actively labor and birth, rather than to have labor
happen to them, give over control to a system
and people with their own rules, and be delivered
of their babies. Some desire home birth because of
the subculture of their religious communities,
while others are overtly afraid of what may happen
to them in the hospital. They may be ‘‘on the
edge’’ of the allopathic medical system and be very
resistant to interventions that the system thinks
are in their best interest. Does this make them
wrong? No, it simply means that the system is not
meeting their needs for holistic care that supports
The point is that we have no system of maternity
care in the United States that provides a healthy woman
the choice of giving birth at home and if she
needs to transfer to a di¡erent type of care during
labor, the transfer is easy.We do not have a system
in which this woman is treated with respect
and kindness, and her provider either maintains responsibility
for her care or professionally and
respectfully is able to transfer responsibility to another
provider. Interestingly, while ACOG and AMA
have declared that hospital grounds are the only
safe place to give birth in the United States, the
National Perinatal Association (NPA) adopted a
position paper in July 2008 titled, ‘‘Choice of Birth
Setting.’’ The paper supports a woman’s right to
home birth services and concludes that, ‘‘The National
Perinatal Association (NPA) believes that
planned home birth should be attended by a quali-
¢ed practitioner within a system that provides a
smooth and rapid transition to hospital if necessary.
Safety for all births must be evaluated through an
objective risk assessment, especially for non-hospital
births. NPA supports and respects families’
right to an informed choice of their birth setting’’
(available at Further,
in Canada following the model of British Columbia,
2 JOGNN, 38, 1-3; 2009. DOI: 10.1111/j.1552-6909.2008.00300.x
E D I T O R I A L Editorial
the province of Alberta has recently expanded its
health care system to include women’s access to
midwifery services ‘‘in a variety of locations including
hospitals, community birthing centers, or in their
homes’’ (
Some of you who are reading this know me personally,
most do not. I am a nurse-midwife committed
to the midwifery philosophy of care, however, I have
never attended a home birth. I gave birth to my
own children in hospital, and my daughter is a
board certi¢ed obstetrician-gynecologist. I am part
of the U.S. system.Yet the very core of my being, my
scienti¢cally trained brain, and four decades experience
in the business of mothers and babies tell me
it is our system that is not serving mothers and babies
well. There is not some inherent danger lurking
for healthy American women who desire to give
birth at home. The primary danger is that the ‘‘system’’
does not support this choice. To pretend that
a normal healthy woman cannot give birth safely
without the trappings of a U.S. hospital is not only
audacious but also uninformed. Perhaps it is time
for a new woman’s movement, one that embraces
the normalcy of childbirth and puts mothers and
babies back on the center stage rather than the
system’s need to defend the interventionist subculture
it has developed and that it must ¢nancially
support. This system has not improved outcomes
for mothers or babies while the cost of care has
continued to escalate keeping pace with unnecessary
intervention. The recent initiatives of our
medical colleagues, the ‘‘authorities,’’ simply highlight
the painful reality that the ‘‘Emperor has no
Introduced by American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
RESOLVED,That our American Medical Association support
the recent American College of Obstetricians and
Gynecologists (ACOG) statement that ‘‘the safest setting
for labor delivery, and the immediate postpartum period
is in the hospital, or a birthing center within a hospital
complex, that meets standards jointly outlined by the
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and ACOG,The
Joint Commission or the American Association of Birth
Centers’’; and be it further
RESOLVED,That our AMA support state legislation that
helps ensure safe deliveries and healthy babies by
acknowledging that the safest setting for labor, delivery,
and the immediate postpartum period is in the hospital
or a birthing center within a hospital complex, that
meets standards jointly outlined by the AAP and ACOG,
or in a freestanding birthing center that meets the standards
of the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory
Health Care,The Joint Commission, or the American
Association of Birth Centers.
American Medical Association (AMA). (2008). Resolutions. Retrieved
November 1, 2008, from
Block, J. (2008, July 9). Big medicine’s blowback on home births. Los
Angeles Times. Retrieved October 29, 2008, from
Hale, R. A. (2008, September). ACOG’s positions advocated at AMA meeting.
ACOG Today, p. 2.
Janssen, P. A., Lee, S. K., Ryan, E. M., Etches, D. J., Farqukarson, D. F., Peacock,
D., et al. (2002). Outcomes of planned home births versus
planned hospital birth after regulation of midwifery in British Columbia.
Canadian Medical Association Journal, 166, 315-323.
National Perinatal Association (NPA). (2008). Position paper: Choice of
birth setting. Retrieved October 16, 2008, from http://nationalperi
JOGNN 2009; Vol. 38, Issue 1 3
Nancy K. Lowe E D I T O R I A L

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Film For Dads, Your Input

Check out this film. The whole blog is good. The football article on the right is GREAT!

What do you think? Should we get it and watch it at an upcoming workshop?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

New Yorker article on breast milk

Unique and interesting take on the history and politics of wet-nursing and pumping breastmilk. Lengthy, but informative. The article asserts (I think) that breast is good, but *at* breast is best.

I've often thought that formula isn't necessarily a bad thing. It can be mighty helpful, and even on occasion, life-saving. But things are such that formula is way over-used, completely beyond its helpfulness. The author speaks of non-breast-feeding of mother's milk the same way.

And just to be crystal clear - I respect every individual mother's choices: formula, breast or both; pump and bottle! Formula is inferior to breastmilk, yet helpful on occasion. Could it be argued that pumping is helpful on occasion, yet inferior to mother-baby togetherness?

My favorite line: When did “women’s rights” turn into “the right to work”?

Are them fight'n words for any of you? :)

Read the whole thing here.


p.s. still polishing that essay

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The politics of safety

I'm polishing up an essay that came pouring out of my thoughts after reading that Trib article the other day. It's on the politics of the safety discussion as it pertains to birth. Anyone interested?


Sunday, January 4, 2009


We've recently had visitors from Germany, Estonia and Lithuania! We've also been hit by Japan, Australia, China and Malaysia! Wow.

Please, whether from near or far, drop a comment to say how you found us, what you think, what you're looking for, anything! Glad to have you stopping by.

:) ~s~

Finances and Birth-place Decisions

The Salt Lake Trib recently had an article on homebirth. Hooray! An actual positive article where the option of homebirth wasn't "balanced" with some statistic-less scare quote by a UMA authority.

The main gist of the article was that finances is a major consideration in the birth-place decision. The article interviewed three couples: 2 who planned and achieved homebirths, and one who planned a birth-center birth and ended up having a cesarean. All three considered the cost of hospital birth while making their decisions.

If you are so inclined, you might drop the author and/or editor a line expressing appreciation for publishing an article on homebirth that wasn't sensationalized, and portrayed homebirth as a rational decision.
