Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Amish

The Amish are fighting to for their right to choose where and how to give birth.

To learn more about the Amish and the way they choose to birth, read A Wise Birth by Penny Armstrong. I believe the Logan Library has it, as well as the Logan La Leche League library. Though the book is worth buying, it is so fascinating and enjoyable to read.

A Wise Birth, Penny Armstrong and Sheryl Feldman. Compellingly, the author tells her own story. When she was first trained as a Certified Nurse Midwife she answered a call to assist Amish women at home. Little by little, the perspective that had become a part of her during her schooling began to shift and change. As she witnessed birth after relatively easy and uncomplicated birth, she began to wonder about the differences between these births and the births she had observed in the hospital during her training.


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