Saturday, July 26, 2008

Homebirth in the news

On a whim, I did a google news search on homebirth. Of course, most of it was a result of the AMA's recent resolution regarding place of birth, and Riki Lake's film The Business of Being Born. Overall, though, the tone of each news story was fair and positive. How nice is that?

South Dakota has had a new law that allows certified nurse midwives (CNMs) to attend home births. I'm not sure what the ramifications are to that, whether other professional or unlicensed midwives have the right to attend homebirths or not.

On a news-gathering website called Finding Dulcinea there is a page on recent news and opinions on the AMA and homebirth.

I was pleasantly surprised to see a short column on the Mayo Clinic's site by a CNM that advocates a parent's right to choose birth place and attendant.

There were also stories about homebirth in Arkansas and North Carolina.

My favorite line from the whole batch:

“Babies should be born where they are conceived,” said Prentice, who has delivered more than a 2,000 babies.


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