Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Warranty of Vaccine Safety

What, did I just read "warranty of vaccine safety?" Yes, I did. Have you seen this form yet? I just stumbled upon it yesterday, via Mothering. Mothering linked to SafeMinds, which seems like a great place for vaccine information and politics. But I can't tell where the "warranty" form came from. I also found it here, here and here.

In my opinion, this is meant to be cheeky. I would ever take this form in to a doctor. First of all, if I have any sort of relationship with my doctor, he already knows how I feel about vaccines and everything else! And if I don't have that sort of relationship yet (which I hope you are all striving for with your health care providers), conversation and chit-chat will hopefully get my opinions and health care desires across better than this intimidating and sarcastic form!

But, I have to admit, this form makes a great starting point for personal research. Once you become familiar with half the items listed in that form, you'll be better informed than most doctors, I'm betting. And a well-informed parent, who can confidently discuss particulars about an issue will probably earn the respect of her health care provider, not to mention the well-being of her child.


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