Friday, December 12, 2008

Some Afternoon Light Could Help Your Baby To Sleep Better

This was an interesting article. Don't we all sleep better when we've had some sun?

"According to a study [published in the Journal of Sleep Reasearch (2004) 13: 345-352] of 56 infants between 6 and 12 weeks old, daylight, which dictates sleep patterns by affecting human circadian rhythms, may be the key to better sleep. Those infants who were the best night sleepers were exposed to significantly more light in the early afternoon than poor sleepers. Needless to say, a baby's tender skin should not be exposed to bright sunlight without proper protection." Great Life May 2005


1 comment:

Mom's Sewing Vault said...

That's interesting, Jennetta, since I read in the No Cry Sleep Solution by Elizabeth Pantley (recommend all her books) that morning light helps babies/toddlers sleep as well. I suppose the darkness of night will tell our bodies to go to sleep, only if we got sunlight during the day!
