Thursday, December 18, 2008

"High-risk" homebirth in England

This is just another short story that illustrates how different the "official" line about homebirth is in the UK. This woman had a c-section her first birth, and planned to have a homebirth the second time around. That's not so shocking - that happens in the US, too. What's interesting is that they used the same health care system both times around. When she went into labor with her planned homebirth, she "called the labour ward," and a midwife came 'round.

In the mother's words:

"All it needed was time, good support, a relaxed environment and a lot of maternal effort! I've experienced both ends of the scales. Last time I made a complaint about my midwife, this time I couldn't praise them enough. Good supportive midwives are the key to a good birthing outcome."



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